It's time To Expand Your
On Management:
- Good engineers should be managed with a carrot.
- Bad engineers should be managed with a stick.
- The best method to get your way is to make them think
it is their idea.
On Engineering:
- Design for the future, code for the schedule.
- The best apparatus is the one that falls apart when
its use has ended.
- Create like a god, Command like a king, Work like a
- You can have it right, or you can have it now. You
can't have it right now.
- Comments are fables written by pathological liars for
On The World:
- Pillage THEN burn.
- If we weren't meant to eat animals, why are they made
of meat?
- I'm not a vegetarian because I like animals, it's
because I hate plants.
- If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would ever
get done.
- ...as this blue/green marble we call Earth
- hurls itself through the universe,
- it spins wildly upon its axis,
- causing the life forms upon it to
- become dizzy and bump into each other
- creating the news...
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Photography & Digital Camera Resource
- http://www.mediaminds.com/
- Poynton's
Color Technology Page
- http://www.inforamp.net/~poynton/Poynton-colour.html
- Knot
- http://ccn.cs.dal.ca/~aa731/knot.html
- Colour
Space Conversions
- http://www.wmin.ac.uk/ITRG/docs/coloureq/coloureq
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- http://www.loser.net/
- Burning
Man Home Page
- http://www.burningman.com
- Burning
Man Connections - Frequently Asked Questions
- http://www.chorus.com/~eric/bmc/faq.html
- Burning
Man Cyberbus Folks
- http://www.cyberbuss.com/bman.htm
- Burning
Man Experiences
- http://www.fray.com/bm/
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Off Road Resource
- http://www.off-road.com/
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- http://www.scubacentral.com/
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Online Home Page
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- http://www.disney.com/Disneyland/
- YesterLand
- A Theme Park On The Web
- http://www.mcs.net/~werner/yester.html
- The
Official Rolling Stones Web Site
- http://www.stones.com/
- Crazy
Horse Memorial
- http://www.state.sd.us/state/executive/tourism/20reason/crzy_hrs.htm
- Crazy
Hore Memorial alternate site
- http://www.state.sd.us/state/executive/tourism/adds/crazyh.htm
- National
Film Preservation Board
- http://lcweb.loc.gov/film/
- BoxOffice
- http://www.boxoff.com/
- The
Royal British Columbia Museum
- http://rbcm1.rbcm.gov.bc.ca/
- Hubble
Space Telescope Images & Public Information
- http://www.stsci.edu/pubinfo/
- Astronomy
Picture of the Day
- http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
- Pacific
Satellite Images from GOES-9
- http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/ns-search/sat_products.html?NS-search-set=/32e97/aaaa0016Ge970a7&NS-doc-offset=1&
- Area
51 top secret military UFO site
- http://www.ufomind.com/area51/
- Abandoned
Missle Base VR Tour
- http://www.xvt.com/users/kevink/silo/silo.html
- The
NASA Homepage
- http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/NASA_homepage.html
- Enhanced
Apollo Moon Mission QTVR images
- http://www.pgd.hawaii.edu/prpdc/vr/index.html
- The
Dilbert Zone
- http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert/
- Vote
Smart Web - Time to check up on the hired help
- http://www.vote-smart.org/
- The
United States White House
- http://www.whitehouse.gov
- Mail
to the President
- http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/Mail/html/Mail_President.html
- Mail
to the Vice President
- http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/Mail/html/Mail_Vice_President.html
- The
Official Internet Quayle Quote List
- http://boulmer.ncl.ac.uk/people/chris.holt/home.informal/bar/corsair.afdq/quayle.quotes/
- The
Doctor Fun Page
- http://sunsite.unc.edu/Dave/drfun.html
- Le
Paranoia Home Page
- http://www.paranoia.com/
- Terence
McKenna Land
- http://deoxy.org/mckenna.htm
- Oh
nothing, just the end of this world
- http://deoxy.org/omega.htm
- Bungie
- Those Marathon Folks
- http://www.bungie.com/
- Graphic
Simulations - Makers of very kool flight
- http://www.graphsim.com/
- Parsoft
Interactive - Makers of kool flight simulators for the
- http://www.parsoft.com/
- Cyberian
Outpost - The cool place to shop for computer
- http://www.cybout.com/cyberian.html
- B&H
Photo and Video
- http://www.bhphoto.com/
- Bogen
(Manfrotto outside the US) - Makers of Tripods and
lighting accessories
- http://www.manfrotto.com/
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